March 25, 2007
March 19, 2007
i hate when you ask someone a question, or you say something to them, and they reply with “HUH??”
YOU SOUND LIKE A FUCKING IDIOT. I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY NEXT BESIDES “HUH WHAT?”. Here are some alternatives which will serve to make me happier and lessen my hatred for you.
I spend all day on the phone wtih these halfwit customers who say HUH all day. My desk phone BLOWS and I don’t know WHAT they mean when they say HUH. Can they not hear me? Did they not understand my instructions? Do they just have an intelligence deficiency? BE MORE ARTICULATE, PLEASE.
March 18, 2007
March 9, 2007
(no subject)
this post is dedicated to sean-michael dore, who shipped me a large box of vinyl to cheer me up when i was down earlier this week.
yesterday i hung out with kelli, it was excellent, i can’t even say. i got sick from tsam’s, and i called in to work but they asked me to come in anyhow, but i got to sleep in a little, and it was like 40 degrees warmer than yesterday, and my adderall refill, and coming home to a box from my best friend of all these records that i’ve been wanting for years but not wanting to ebay, EVERYTHING IS SO GREAT
i can’t wait til i get my taxes back so i can go out to LA, i miss him
THANK YOU SO MUCH SEAN <3 also i miss rene. so i believe a trip to toronto is in order soon! also i might want to leave massachusetts; more on this later
March 5, 2007
reasons why i fully support seeing a CPA
GO SEE A FUCKING ACCOUNTANT, unless you really know how to do your own shit. Did you know you’re qualified for a $30 credit just for having a cell phone? I DOUBT IT. It cost me $125 to have this guy do them, and it’s totally worth it (because I got over $800 back that I didn’t know I was qualified for). Goddamn.
(also I am just thinking about how many bottles of wine this will buy)
((except too bad I just spent $3000 on a car!))
(((let’s hang out soon)))