www.neil.blog memo to myself. do the dumb things i gotta do. touch the puppet head.

July 15, 2005

and only when i sleep can i feel stronger

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — lj @ 1:42 am

So, stuff. I still don’t have a new phone. Summer school is going well, except it’s so fucking boring, I fall asleep every day. Working every day, from right after school until around 5ish, whenever it’s not so busy that I need to be there. Friday is my only day off. I’m a manager now. It’s scary. Today I was asked to figure something out with the phone system, and I did, and I’m proud of myself because I like learning. You know, when it’s something that’s fun. You know what I’m saying. It’s not like book learning.. it’s problem solving. I like that. I get a raise tomorrow. Work is hard.

I am addicted to coffee now. If I don’t get my extra large hazelnut with cream and extra sugar by about 10 a.m., I get a terrible headache and can’t function. Today my mom wasn’t going to let me drive to work because I was trying to tell her what I was doing after work, but I kept falling into the wall and messing up my words. I hate being an addict 🙁 At least the people at Dunkin Donuts know what I order, because usually I am too out of it to tell them.

Me and Annie went to Boston tonight because I got screening tickets to Wedding Crashers, but by the time we got there it was FULL. So I talked the manager into giving us refunds on our popcorn and soda, and then we walked around Boston Common and I climbed a tree and then we rented Team America and watched it and now I am tired. I wrote Jane a letter. Thanks.

Going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Ashlie tomorrow, yay! At least I bought my tickets ahead of time, so we’ll definitely be able to get innnnnn

Also Coldstone after, plz.

Friday is my only day off. I am sleeping forever. I have never been excited for sleeping before. But I am going to go do that now.

I want to hang out with Crystalyn. Thx. I need a car.

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