www.neil.blog memo to myself. do the dumb things i gotta do. touch the puppet head.

April 21, 2006

(no subject)

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — lj @ 5:26 am

I can’t sleep. The truck idling outside my window isn’t helping. I don’t like anything or anyone right now. I started a new job. It is going to be good. More details soon. New Jersey next month. I am excited. When school is over I will be able to sleep in guiltlessly. I am going to work regular daytime hours so I will have more than 2 days a week to see friends. If they haven’t forgotten about me yet. I’m past the point of missing people, at this point it’s more about wondering who still wants me in their life.

One month ago I was bouncing checks. Right now I have almost two thousand dollars in the bank. Due to a computer error, apparently, my car insurance is only $39 a month, where it should be $139 a month. I have enough to afford a new camera, some film, and a lot of ice cream. I am smiling as I type this because I really like ice cream.

It sucks when my body is set for nighttime hours

you know when you realize you’re (as) over someone (as you’re going to be), do you feel guilty? it makes me feel terrible. but also relieved.

an old friend wants to start talking again. what a good idea! what are the haps, old friends

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